Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I am sitting in a house that does not belong to me. It is my aunt's house. This house is populated by two kids and their parents. One of the kids is 2 months old. He is the biggest sweetheart out there. He already smiles :) This world really needed his smile. The more smiles in this world, the better. If a baby's smile can make anybody feel happier, why can't a grown-up's smile do the same? It takes almost no energy to force a smile onto your face. Brighten up a person's day and smile at them because wouldn't you like the same?

The sofa I'm sitting on is brown.

Recently, I became grateful for being immune to rusting. I couldn't possibly imagine how we would handle rain. Everybody would wear special suits to dodge the water. Even worse, we wouldn't be able to shower. What would we be made of if we were not allowed to touch water? How would this world smell? o.o

Don't act like a fool when it isn't necessary.

You know that feeling of frustration when your mom is screaming at you to clean your room? I do. It is so vexing that I just want to turn off my ears. It might be horrible to be the child, but how does it feel to be the mother of the child who doesn't want to listen? Sometimes, we have to take into consideration everything that our parents do for us. Yes, the ways that they express their anger are very chaotic and crazy, but what else can they do? Think about it this way, if you were a parent would you smother your kid and let him/her do whatever they wanted? Would you listen to their pouting and accept their tantrums? I would not. I would probably be even worse than my parents. My parents always annoy me and make me want to pull my hair out; however, I do TRY to take everything they do for me into consideration. One day, I'll understand them completely and see a side of them that I had never seen in me.

Children should respect their elders as much as they respect their friends.

Yesterday, I helped my aunt go to the store and buy groceries. When we got to her house, I helped her put everything away. That is when it hit me," Why am I so cooperant with my aunt and not my mom? Why do I complain with my mom and not my aunt?" This event certainly got me thinking. I have noticed that whenever my mom asks me to help her, I either don't do it or complain. I do not know if this is everybody's case but it is  mine. I do not understand why I do this. Why do I complain to a person that has giving me the world? I have not figured it out, yet.

Why do we have favorite colors?

Do you ever wonder why your favorite color is your favorite color? It is pretty confusing to me. I don't really know why I like a color, I just do. I wouldn't be able to explain to somebody why yellow is my favorite color. I don't understand colors.

Have you ever gone to sleep wanting to pee?

I got home from school feeling lazy, so I left my sweater on the couch.

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