I haven't been on blogger in a very long time. It has a completely new look. I kind of slacked off, but it was for a good cause. I have had homework and so many other things that I don't really have a life anymore. Well, it isn't like I ever had one. I've had this sudden urge to go to the movies lately. I guess I miss the popcorn from there.
crappy days ruin my week.
This year has been so blehish. That's not a word, but the word sounds lazy. This year has been lazy, dull, boring. I haven't had any excitement yet. If anything, I keep setting myself up for disappointment. I'm doing fine on grades. The problem is that I don't really know who I talk to anymore. There's a limited amount of people that I can actually have a meaningful conversation with. More than half of that group will be gone next year. I don't know. This year is just depressing in a way. Maybe I'm just saying this because I had a bad day.
i have been in people's conversations.
One thing that I'm completely afraid of are my flaws. I try not to think of my flaws but when I do, I get really affected. They can tear me apart for days. I can be unstable for days. One of the reasons I'm writing today after so long is because I've been thinking a lot lately. I'm pretty sure that by the end of highschool I won't be talking to most of the people I talk to now. I'm pretty sure that alot of people are going to change. I'm also pretty sure that I should stop trying to gain approval from alot of people. The truth is
i know I don't need approval but I crave it. I can't stand the feeling of not being liked or the feeling of rejection. I hate being rejected. I hate when people leave me in doubt. I hate when I try my best and other don't. I hate when I try my best and I still don't win. It sucks that I try my best and others don't care. They don't care and they are the prefered ones and the ones who are congratulated. I'm tired of seeing all that…..
I know… I just needed to let everything out.
I'm pretty sure no one will read this. I don't care… I just needed to vent. I took no grammar into consideration. I seriously try to be the best person I can be… It just sucks when I am told that I need to try even harder. I am a good person. I word hard to be a good person… Nobody has the right to tell me otherwise. No one has the right to call me inconsiderate because I try SO HARD to please people. I take so many things into consideration. The funny thing is that I am corrected by those who have the most flaws. I will be the bigger person. I will let it go…
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
It's a sign.
Today, I woke up feeling fresh, happy, and inspired. I do feel pretty sleepy but that's because I went to sleep at 3 in the morning. I realized, during many conversations that I was having, a lot of people need to be appreciated and listened to. It is like small children. When a small child is crying and misbehaving, sometimes, it just takes a talk to fix the problem. A person just wants to feel loved. I don't blame anybody for this because everybody gets lonely and everybody needs a friend. Too much can cause a person to breakdown and it would be nice if somebody was there to pick them back up. Not every person is going to be a good friend, so you need to know the people who care and are there for you. Those people are the people worth it.
When you can't say something, write a letter.
Change isn't something I appreciate. I usually like things to stay the same. If anything changes, I'd rather it be for the better, but in life everything changes. Changes can ruin our life depending on how we cope to everything. We just always have to be prepared. We can't just give up because something has gone wrong. When something goes wrong, the LAST thing we should do is have pity on ourselves. Having pity on yourself will only cripple you and make you weaker. Time will heal it all. We have to make sure to always keep a positive attitude and face the world like if it were an ant, small and easy to step on. Nothing can stop us…except death or a bad criminal record hehe.
I'm not a big fan of Dora…
People will not always take you serious. The reason for that is you're not always going to be important to everybody. You can try but it is impossible. There are always people with different opinions and views on the world. You just make sure that whenever you go somewhere, you at least have the most respect you can. A person doesn't have to like you personally but if they respect you, then all is good. Wherever you go, behave yourself and have manners. Be friendly and don't make enemies. Anybody is better as a friend than an enemy. Respect others as you would like to be respected. Try to judge the least that you can. Looks don't matter because a pretty flower can be poisonous.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. :) (I don't know what that writers of that quote were thinking because lemonade without sugar tastes bad.)
You know that feeling of excitement when you buy school clothes and supplies and you can't wait to use them? I do. I bought converse. They aren't yellow this time but navy blue. I would've liked some yellow ones but I'd already bought two shades and I didn't know if there were more kinds of yellow. I mostly miss my teachers. I thank God that I have the teachers I do. There is one exception, though. Names will not be mentioned, but that lady is evil and careless. I'm pretty sure that by the second week of school, I'll be wishing for summer again.
50s jazz has a humongous effect on me. It makes me happy.
I have a theory about humankind. I am no philosopher but I do believe people live to be happy. I believe that a person's ultimate goal should be happiness. It shouldn't be money or anything else. Money brings greed. Sometimes all we need is enough to survive.
What is your picture of a happy ending?
I already know how I want to die. That sentence might sound weird, but I just know already. My happy ending would be lying in a bed with white sheets. The bed would be facing a brown wooden window. The window would be showing my farm. The farm would house strawberries. The strawberries weren't to be sold, but only eaten. My family would be surrounding me and I would fall asleep forever. Hopefully a hospital doesn't ruin my dreams. -.-
You're a positive joy.
So, the title was a random one. Those words are the first that came to mind when I began writing. I've been in a state of mania. :) It feels nice when I'm on top of the world. Everything seems easier when I'm in a good mood. Below, I will post some links to pages you might enjoy or like.
I don't know if we're on a garden or a crowded avenue. <3
May your teeth never be replaced by freshly ironed wool socks.
What is your picture of a happy ending?
I already know how I want to die. That sentence might sound weird, but I just know already. My happy ending would be lying in a bed with white sheets. The bed would be facing a brown wooden window. The window would be showing my farm. The farm would house strawberries. The strawberries weren't to be sold, but only eaten. My family would be surrounding me and I would fall asleep forever. Hopefully a hospital doesn't ruin my dreams. -.-
You're a positive joy.
So, the title was a random one. Those words are the first that came to mind when I began writing. I've been in a state of mania. :) It feels nice when I'm on top of the world. Everything seems easier when I'm in a good mood. Below, I will post some links to pages you might enjoy or like.
I don't know if we're on a garden or a crowded avenue. <3
May your teeth never be replaced by freshly ironed wool socks.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
I've begun to miss the old days. Feeling nostalgic brings good memories to me, but also feelings of sorrow. It is the fact that, in only a couple of years, I'll be obligated to move on from childhood. I don't mind being a child, but I don't want to be acting like a 12 year old when I'm 21. I'd like to keep the imagination and spirit of a child, though.
Gryffindor hoodies have proven to be extremely expensive.
I finally watched the finale of Harry Potter. It's extraordinary how a person can become so attached to these fictional characters. Everybody knows they aren't real and tears are still shed at the death of a protagonist. I might be over analyzing this series, but it sure teaches so many lessons. Harry Potter never gave up. Did he succeed? Yes. Snape was always seen as the bad guy and in the end, we learn he was doing the best for everybody. A person cannot really be judged by the looks. Sometimes I believe that good looks only cripple humanity. Many people talk to others based on external beauty. What people don't know is that internal beauty is concealed in many others that haven't been given a chance. I only hope that we, as people, learn the importance of personality and not looks.
Time picked the correct messenger.
I try to see if a person is pure or not. Most of the time, I succeed in classifying a person. It isn't the nicest thing to do, but it helps me steer clear of those whose company I don't enjoy. There are some specific people who I don't admire, but I am still decent enough to them. I just can't find it in me to tell them how I feel about them and their actions. I'm not strong enough to hurt people in that manner.
Who can I ALWAYS cry on? My bed.☻
I believe that acoustic music is more beautiful than any other. It is just for the fact that acoustic music captures the emotion of the artist in their voice. The guitar just compliments the singer's voice and adds that extra sprinkle to it. Acoustic music has no auto tune and no loud noises hiding people with no actual talent. If a singer can pull off an acoustic song live, they've earned my respect. I admire those with vocal talent that don't need anything but their mouths to sing. I have no vocal talent at all. ☻
Is it better to care too much or not care at all? :O
I have a big problem. My fan has gone crazy for about a month now. It shakes and rattles. If I didn't know better, I'd say it were angry. It is probably sick and tired of hanging on the wall and spinning for human's selfish reasons. There is no need to worry. My dad is getting rid of that old bitter fan on
Friday or Saturday and getting a new one that will be happy to do its job.
I do believe this blog is short.
To make up for the short blog, I'm posting up a video. ✌ (I'm exploring the special characters on my computer, ha.)
Sayanora. :D
Who can I ALWAYS cry on? My bed.☻
I believe that acoustic music is more beautiful than any other. It is just for the fact that acoustic music captures the emotion of the artist in their voice. The guitar just compliments the singer's voice and adds that extra sprinkle to it. Acoustic music has no auto tune and no loud noises hiding people with no actual talent. If a singer can pull off an acoustic song live, they've earned my respect. I admire those with vocal talent that don't need anything but their mouths to sing. I have no vocal talent at all. ☻
Is it better to care too much or not care at all? :O
I have a big problem. My fan has gone crazy for about a month now. It shakes and rattles. If I didn't know better, I'd say it were angry. It is probably sick and tired of hanging on the wall and spinning for human's selfish reasons. There is no need to worry. My dad is getting rid of that old bitter fan on
Friday or Saturday and getting a new one that will be happy to do its job.
I do believe this blog is short.
To make up for the short blog, I'm posting up a video. ✌ (I'm exploring the special characters on my computer, ha.)
Sayanora. :D
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Legoland and Crappy Hotels.
I HAVE BEEN AWAY ON VACATION! Well, I have been back home since yesterday. I traveled to Dallas to find enlightenment. No, I'm kidding. I went to Dallas for my brother's baseball tournament. Dallas was surprisingly HOT. I didn't really enjoy it. I did enjoy Grapevine Mills, though. Grapevine Mills happens to be the name of a mall in the city of Grapevine. Inside that mall, there was a place called Legoland. Legoland is, as you can imagine, a little "theme park" that includes countless items and activities having to do with Legos. I didn't go inside the actual park but I did enter the shop. I was pretty fascinated with a Buzz Lightyear sculpture made out of Legos. Sadly, there was no Woody Sculpture. In the shop, I searched for something that I would like, and I found the GREATEST THING POSSIBLE. I came across Harry Potter keychains. Ironically, there wasn't a keychain of Harry Potter. So, I took the liberty of saying how ridiculous that was. I think an employee overheard me, hehe. I, personally, like Ron better than Harry, though. I bought the Ron keychain. :)
I'm a drama abolitionist.
To get to Dallas, it took nine tedious hours. It took so much work for me to stop myself from screaming at my brothers. They can literally drive a woman crazy. Now, talking about traveling, while we were in the Dallas area, my dad was driving recklessly. We aren't familiar with the area so every time we had to be somewhere, we would have to input our destination on the Iphone. The Iphone was our savior in this trip. It also put us in danger, though. My brilliant father would have the Iphone in his hands while driving.-.- Many times, he would miss his turn and try to make up for it. He would turn at the latest times and cause the cars behind us to go ballistic. In one occasion, we entered the airport. Oh, how fun it was to hear my mother rant on and on.
If the sun doesn't shine tomorrow, we'll survive. Alaskans do it for an entire month.
Last week, I challenged myself. The challenge was one of the most difficult I have ever faced. I challenged myself to turn on my ipod, put it on shuffle, and listen. I could not skip any song. I had never been able to accomplish that, but, this time, I did. I got up to 93 songs without skipping. That was quite an accomplishment, at least to me.
Don't give up on life because life has never given up on you.
I don't remember if I have said this before, but I do not like bad words. Yes, everyone I know says bad words, but I don't feel comfortable saying them. I have never known why. I have typed them and I've said them. I mostly said them in sixth grade when I was trying to fit in. I didn't like sixth grade. The change was too fast. People were growing up too fast and I just didn't know what to do. I did everything to fit in. How foolish I was. I still am foolish but not as much. So yeah, I don't like bad words.
Is it normal to fall in love everyday with a different person? No, it is not. -.- It is ridiculous.
I believe that hurting yourself is horrible. I also believe that cutting isn't the way out. Cutting is not the answer to anything. I know we are teenagers and we usually feel that the world is going to end but we don't need to cut. People who are starving in Africa have horrible lifestyles. They are literally sticks. They suffer everyday and not even they try to end their life. They continue fighting. Why can't everybody do that? It is difficult to get out of an emotional catastrophe but come on… Be strong. The only thing that cutting causes is scars and resentment.
Dorks are better than jocks.
Last weekend, I visited South Padre Island and San Antonio. On Friday, we left Dallas to go to the Riverwalk. The Riverwalk was nice. We bought 3 dollar water bottles. -.- Okay, well the climax of San Antonio happened after we ate. I was sitting with my parents at a restaurant called Rita's (if my memory doesn't fail me) and my brother kept coming back for chips to feed the ducks. He pretended to eat them so he wouldn't get in trouble. -.- Well, I went with him and he asked me to tie a chip to a leaf of a plant. The leaf was really long and slender. I took some time but I tied it. Then, there was a bunch of kids sitting in front of us singing this rather annoying song. They would clap a beat and sing very VERY off tune while the ferries arrived. The guides on the ferries became annoyed because, of course, the kids were being a distraction to the tour. There was a couple of boys in the group that were a bit too much on the feminine side. They thought they were so cool.
I blame relativity.
My parents rented a beach house at South Padre Island. At first, I didn't want to go to the island. We had just arrived from Dallas and I was homesick, but of course we had to do what my mom wanted. We always have to do what she wants. Anyway, we got to the house and gave the beach a visit. We decided to walk to the big rocks at the far end. In total, we spent 3 hours walking. I was extremely sunburned at the end of it. My dad was angry at me because when we finally got to the rocks, my sister decided to climb the rocks that were inside the water. The rocks were wet and invaded by algae or whatever that plant was. My sister made it to the top and my little brothers followed. I guess I wasn't thinking because I didn't tell them to get off after a while of climbing. My littlest brother listened but my other brother didn't. The brother that didn't listen fell. My parents blamed me. -.- The day after, some friends came by. Our goal was to build a humongous castle with a jacuzzi in it. We began digging. We didn't finish, but we did make a somewhat big hole. At night, we went crab hunting. We caught many crabs. We also found a dead fish that probably wasn't able to reach the water. The tide was extremely low. We put it in the bucket too :) so the crabs could eat it, haha. That night, we found two red buckets and A LOT of sand toys, hehehe. I really enjoyed the beach at night. The tide is so low that you can see the sand with ripples that is usually under water during the day. It felt amazing to my feet. The day after, I got sick. I think it was the food that we ate. I, since then, hate fish. I didn't go to the beach that day. I wasn't feeling well enough, so I took a nap. When I woke up, the Women's World Cup was on. I watched USA battle with Japan. I live in the United States and I'm loyal to the US but I wanted Japan to win. I really believed they needed the victory. They needed to have happiness in their life after the tragedy that happened earlier in the year. They needed inspiration to keep going. I was glad Japan won. Finally, the day after, we left. I was excited to leave because that house was too cold and the blankets sucked.
Stop burning the scallops, you DONKEY! >:/ lol
Chef Ramsay is AMAZING! I admire him so much. I wish I could cook like him. Wait, I wish I could be the best at something in life. One day, I will be the best. I just have to put my heart into whatever I do. I already know that I'm not going to be the best in anything that has to do with music because I am horrible in band, haha.
I like the anxiousness of wanting to brush my teeth after buying a new toothbrush. :)
The hotel that I stayed at in Dallas was an absolute mistake.
I'm a drama abolitionist.
To get to Dallas, it took nine tedious hours. It took so much work for me to stop myself from screaming at my brothers. They can literally drive a woman crazy. Now, talking about traveling, while we were in the Dallas area, my dad was driving recklessly. We aren't familiar with the area so every time we had to be somewhere, we would have to input our destination on the Iphone. The Iphone was our savior in this trip. It also put us in danger, though. My brilliant father would have the Iphone in his hands while driving.-.- Many times, he would miss his turn and try to make up for it. He would turn at the latest times and cause the cars behind us to go ballistic. In one occasion, we entered the airport. Oh, how fun it was to hear my mother rant on and on.
If the sun doesn't shine tomorrow, we'll survive. Alaskans do it for an entire month.
Last week, I challenged myself. The challenge was one of the most difficult I have ever faced. I challenged myself to turn on my ipod, put it on shuffle, and listen. I could not skip any song. I had never been able to accomplish that, but, this time, I did. I got up to 93 songs without skipping. That was quite an accomplishment, at least to me.
Don't give up on life because life has never given up on you.
I don't remember if I have said this before, but I do not like bad words. Yes, everyone I know says bad words, but I don't feel comfortable saying them. I have never known why. I have typed them and I've said them. I mostly said them in sixth grade when I was trying to fit in. I didn't like sixth grade. The change was too fast. People were growing up too fast and I just didn't know what to do. I did everything to fit in. How foolish I was. I still am foolish but not as much. So yeah, I don't like bad words.
Is it normal to fall in love everyday with a different person? No, it is not. -.- It is ridiculous.
I believe that hurting yourself is horrible. I also believe that cutting isn't the way out. Cutting is not the answer to anything. I know we are teenagers and we usually feel that the world is going to end but we don't need to cut. People who are starving in Africa have horrible lifestyles. They are literally sticks. They suffer everyday and not even they try to end their life. They continue fighting. Why can't everybody do that? It is difficult to get out of an emotional catastrophe but come on… Be strong. The only thing that cutting causes is scars and resentment.
Dorks are better than jocks.
Last weekend, I visited South Padre Island and San Antonio. On Friday, we left Dallas to go to the Riverwalk. The Riverwalk was nice. We bought 3 dollar water bottles. -.- Okay, well the climax of San Antonio happened after we ate. I was sitting with my parents at a restaurant called Rita's (if my memory doesn't fail me) and my brother kept coming back for chips to feed the ducks. He pretended to eat them so he wouldn't get in trouble. -.- Well, I went with him and he asked me to tie a chip to a leaf of a plant. The leaf was really long and slender. I took some time but I tied it. Then, there was a bunch of kids sitting in front of us singing this rather annoying song. They would clap a beat and sing very VERY off tune while the ferries arrived. The guides on the ferries became annoyed because, of course, the kids were being a distraction to the tour. There was a couple of boys in the group that were a bit too much on the feminine side. They thought they were so cool.
I blame relativity.
My parents rented a beach house at South Padre Island. At first, I didn't want to go to the island. We had just arrived from Dallas and I was homesick, but of course we had to do what my mom wanted. We always have to do what she wants. Anyway, we got to the house and gave the beach a visit. We decided to walk to the big rocks at the far end. In total, we spent 3 hours walking. I was extremely sunburned at the end of it. My dad was angry at me because when we finally got to the rocks, my sister decided to climb the rocks that were inside the water. The rocks were wet and invaded by algae or whatever that plant was. My sister made it to the top and my little brothers followed. I guess I wasn't thinking because I didn't tell them to get off after a while of climbing. My littlest brother listened but my other brother didn't. The brother that didn't listen fell. My parents blamed me. -.- The day after, some friends came by. Our goal was to build a humongous castle with a jacuzzi in it. We began digging. We didn't finish, but we did make a somewhat big hole. At night, we went crab hunting. We caught many crabs. We also found a dead fish that probably wasn't able to reach the water. The tide was extremely low. We put it in the bucket too :) so the crabs could eat it, haha. That night, we found two red buckets and A LOT of sand toys, hehehe. I really enjoyed the beach at night. The tide is so low that you can see the sand with ripples that is usually under water during the day. It felt amazing to my feet. The day after, I got sick. I think it was the food that we ate. I, since then, hate fish. I didn't go to the beach that day. I wasn't feeling well enough, so I took a nap. When I woke up, the Women's World Cup was on. I watched USA battle with Japan. I live in the United States and I'm loyal to the US but I wanted Japan to win. I really believed they needed the victory. They needed to have happiness in their life after the tragedy that happened earlier in the year. They needed inspiration to keep going. I was glad Japan won. Finally, the day after, we left. I was excited to leave because that house was too cold and the blankets sucked.
Stop burning the scallops, you DONKEY! >:/ lol
Chef Ramsay is AMAZING! I admire him so much. I wish I could cook like him. Wait, I wish I could be the best at something in life. One day, I will be the best. I just have to put my heart into whatever I do. I already know that I'm not going to be the best in anything that has to do with music because I am horrible in band, haha.
I like the anxiousness of wanting to brush my teeth after buying a new toothbrush. :)
The hotel that I stayed at in Dallas was an absolute mistake.
![]() |
Magic. :) |
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Hippie Headphones.
Earlier today, I traveled to my aunt's home with my mom. We entered my aunt's house and found a live broadcast on TV of the case of Casey Anthony. The judge was about to read Casey Anthony's verdict. For those of you who are not familiar with Casey Anthony, she is a woman who killed her daughter. Well, that's what every person with a rightful mind thought. The judge handed the papers containing the verdict to a clerk. The clerk was instructed to read the papers out loud. For some reason, the clerk seemed nervous or maybe she was awestruck because her voice shook and she stumbled upon some words. To sum it up, Casey Anthony was found innocent. My jaw dropped. I was so sure she would get was she deserved. Casey began crying. I'm guessing it was of happiness. That woman didn't deserve that kind of joy. That woman doesn't even deserve to see the light of day. All I have to say about this is that one day it will come back to her. It will haunt her and hurt her. Justice must be served.
I should really clean my room.
You know that feeling of waiting for something and when it finally comes you miss it? I do. I missed my last day of class today. It wasn't really important but I had been waiting for days to receive my score. It was a pretty big disappointment. The reason I missed class was………that I overslept. -.- Irony is what I called it. I'm always the person telling people to wake up and go to sleep, but, for once, I should have listened to my own advice.
Don't leave the milk alone for too long.
Two weeks ago, I had bought a brand new toothbrush because I had gotten bored of my old one. The toothbrush that I purchased was pretty amazing. It was transparent on some places and solid on others. It had a tongue scrubber and it was recommended by special dentists. The problem was that I had left it at my grandpa's house. I wasn't worried because who would want to steal a toothbrush, right? When I went back this week, it was gone. I couldn't believe it. Of course, it happened to me. -.-
Why did you let the receipt fall to the ground?
I love babies. What is it about babies that makes a person smile? The babies don't talk. They can barely even laugh, but a person is extremely happy when exposed to one. Maybe it is their size, or maybe it is their eyes. Everything about a baby is cute. I even think the way a baby cries is cute. Perhaps it's that a baby is so pure that there is no other emotion that can be expressed but happiness. I feel grateful that most babies receive only love. The babies who don't receive love are unlucky. All babies should receive positive affection. This will help them in their future. Even when the babies have grown up and turned into adults, they should feel love.
Try to be happy because when you're in heaven you'll be content with what you did on earth.
Something that I truly do not enjoy is an awkward moment. One circumstance that I especially like to avoid is when somebody is so in love with a song that I become part of it. The person is so passionate about the song, that they decide to turn that moment into a music video. That person transforms into the singer and I turn into the victim. The person stares at me with amorous eyes and I have no clue how to react. I smile but in my head, I want to shoot myself.
How many pairs of pants can your floor take, Alejandra? D:<
One thing I dislike is getting copied. I work hard for what I have. I'm not going to just give my work away to somebody that doesn't deserve it. Some people don't know what it is to work to pass. They only know copying. One day, that is going to send them down the drain because there is not always going to be a person willing to give away their work. Learn to work hard and try to see that some people do care. Some people DO deserve what they have. I guess it really doesn't matter because the people that are hardworking are the ones that will succeed. Carry on!
Keep a healthy lifestyle because your grandchildren would like to meet you.
I am SO excited because I am going to Dallas for a week. I'm excited because all I do is sit in my room all day everyday. It gets depressing after a while. I needed some action in my life. :D
Be nice because you never know when lightning might strike.
By the way, I got some hippie headphones. :D
May you never drown in a vat of monkey semen. (In every single blog entry, I will have a different way of saying goodbye.)
I should really clean my room.
You know that feeling of waiting for something and when it finally comes you miss it? I do. I missed my last day of class today. It wasn't really important but I had been waiting for days to receive my score. It was a pretty big disappointment. The reason I missed class was………that I overslept. -.- Irony is what I called it. I'm always the person telling people to wake up and go to sleep, but, for once, I should have listened to my own advice.
Don't leave the milk alone for too long.
Two weeks ago, I had bought a brand new toothbrush because I had gotten bored of my old one. The toothbrush that I purchased was pretty amazing. It was transparent on some places and solid on others. It had a tongue scrubber and it was recommended by special dentists. The problem was that I had left it at my grandpa's house. I wasn't worried because who would want to steal a toothbrush, right? When I went back this week, it was gone. I couldn't believe it. Of course, it happened to me. -.-
Why did you let the receipt fall to the ground?
I love babies. What is it about babies that makes a person smile? The babies don't talk. They can barely even laugh, but a person is extremely happy when exposed to one. Maybe it is their size, or maybe it is their eyes. Everything about a baby is cute. I even think the way a baby cries is cute. Perhaps it's that a baby is so pure that there is no other emotion that can be expressed but happiness. I feel grateful that most babies receive only love. The babies who don't receive love are unlucky. All babies should receive positive affection. This will help them in their future. Even when the babies have grown up and turned into adults, they should feel love.
Try to be happy because when you're in heaven you'll be content with what you did on earth.
Something that I truly do not enjoy is an awkward moment. One circumstance that I especially like to avoid is when somebody is so in love with a song that I become part of it. The person is so passionate about the song, that they decide to turn that moment into a music video. That person transforms into the singer and I turn into the victim. The person stares at me with amorous eyes and I have no clue how to react. I smile but in my head, I want to shoot myself.
How many pairs of pants can your floor take, Alejandra? D:<
One thing I dislike is getting copied. I work hard for what I have. I'm not going to just give my work away to somebody that doesn't deserve it. Some people don't know what it is to work to pass. They only know copying. One day, that is going to send them down the drain because there is not always going to be a person willing to give away their work. Learn to work hard and try to see that some people do care. Some people DO deserve what they have. I guess it really doesn't matter because the people that are hardworking are the ones that will succeed. Carry on!
Keep a healthy lifestyle because your grandchildren would like to meet you.
I am SO excited because I am going to Dallas for a week. I'm excited because all I do is sit in my room all day everyday. It gets depressing after a while. I needed some action in my life. :D
Be nice because you never know when lightning might strike.
By the way, I got some hippie headphones. :D
May you never drown in a vat of monkey semen. (In every single blog entry, I will have a different way of saying goodbye.)
Friday, July 1, 2011
The Reason.
This morning, I was trying to remember my dream. Instead, I imagined something very interesting. What if we were droplets and instead of attending school, we would get poured into the classroom by a big cup? After we were poured we, as water droplets, would settle on a desk and turn into humans again. I don't know if I have seen this before but it would be amazingly entertaining. :D
I eat munchies even if I'm full.
Yesterday, there was a tornado. I kinda made fun of the tornado :O. People were all scared :O. I didn't really take the situation seriously because if the tornado was really as dangerous as people thought, there would have been some type of warning. Nobody really mentioned that the tornado could be a risk to our health. There was even people playing outside. Some people just get on my nerves with their drama. -.- Just shut up hehe.
Go eat some sugar. Maybe that will sweeten up your life.
Anger is really difficult to control, at least for me. Sometimes, I commit actions that I would've never dared to during a calm state. I have never really learned to conquer anger. The closest to conquering anger for me is staying quiet and locking myself in my room. I still scream out, though. It feels good to scream out, but then my mom would probably burst in my room yelling also. One day, I will conquer anger. I doubt it will be soon but it will happen one day.
Please control the amount of judging you do.
You know that feeling you get when you have agreed to something but take it back right after? I do. Agreeing to something reluctantly feels horrible. o.o It's like having it perfect a few seconds before and then having it stolen from you. It feels even worse when you know you were the one that put yourself in the situation because you could have easily said no.
Morning headaches are the worst.
The people that should be treasured the most are those who help you in your times of need. Ironically, a lot of people choose to talk to those who cause them pain. I don't know what it is about us humans but it's like we bring the pain upon ourselves. I'm not scolding anybody because I have also done it. It's probable that every human has done it. We always give attention those that ignore us and ignore the ones that help us the most. It feels horrible to be the person trying to help, and, even then, be ignored. Some people just never learn and one day when you are actually willing to accept their help, they'll be long gone. Try to see who really cares for you and who you are only a prop to because it won't be easy if you realize it too late. Those people who help you just because they care deserve more than what you give them. Be more grateful!
Cranberry juice with ice cubes is very good.
The reason I started to write this blog is simple. I wanted to grow as a person. I write things that I would've never thought of before. Writing helped me learn how to explore my mind. It also helped me explain things that bothered me. Now, I can let things out without hurting anyone.
I eat munchies even if I'm full.
Yesterday, there was a tornado. I kinda made fun of the tornado :O. People were all scared :O. I didn't really take the situation seriously because if the tornado was really as dangerous as people thought, there would have been some type of warning. Nobody really mentioned that the tornado could be a risk to our health. There was even people playing outside. Some people just get on my nerves with their drama. -.- Just shut up hehe.
Go eat some sugar. Maybe that will sweeten up your life.
Anger is really difficult to control, at least for me. Sometimes, I commit actions that I would've never dared to during a calm state. I have never really learned to conquer anger. The closest to conquering anger for me is staying quiet and locking myself in my room. I still scream out, though. It feels good to scream out, but then my mom would probably burst in my room yelling also. One day, I will conquer anger. I doubt it will be soon but it will happen one day.
Please control the amount of judging you do.
You know that feeling you get when you have agreed to something but take it back right after? I do. Agreeing to something reluctantly feels horrible. o.o It's like having it perfect a few seconds before and then having it stolen from you. It feels even worse when you know you were the one that put yourself in the situation because you could have easily said no.
Morning headaches are the worst.
The people that should be treasured the most are those who help you in your times of need. Ironically, a lot of people choose to talk to those who cause them pain. I don't know what it is about us humans but it's like we bring the pain upon ourselves. I'm not scolding anybody because I have also done it. It's probable that every human has done it. We always give attention those that ignore us and ignore the ones that help us the most. It feels horrible to be the person trying to help, and, even then, be ignored. Some people just never learn and one day when you are actually willing to accept their help, they'll be long gone. Try to see who really cares for you and who you are only a prop to because it won't be easy if you realize it too late. Those people who help you just because they care deserve more than what you give them. Be more grateful!
Cranberry juice with ice cubes is very good.
The reason I started to write this blog is simple. I wanted to grow as a person. I write things that I would've never thought of before. Writing helped me learn how to explore my mind. It also helped me explain things that bothered me. Now, I can let things out without hurting anyone.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
I am sitting in a house that does not belong to me. It is my aunt's house. This house is populated by two kids and their parents. One of the kids is 2 months old. He is the biggest sweetheart out there. He already smiles :) This world really needed his smile. The more smiles in this world, the better. If a baby's smile can make anybody feel happier, why can't a grown-up's smile do the same? It takes almost no energy to force a smile onto your face. Brighten up a person's day and smile at them because wouldn't you like the same?
The sofa I'm sitting on is brown.
Recently, I became grateful for being immune to rusting. I couldn't possibly imagine how we would handle rain. Everybody would wear special suits to dodge the water. Even worse, we wouldn't be able to shower. What would we be made of if we were not allowed to touch water? How would this world smell? o.o
Don't act like a fool when it isn't necessary.
You know that feeling of frustration when your mom is screaming at you to clean your room? I do. It is so vexing that I just want to turn off my ears. It might be horrible to be the child, but how does it feel to be the mother of the child who doesn't want to listen? Sometimes, we have to take into consideration everything that our parents do for us. Yes, the ways that they express their anger are very chaotic and crazy, but what else can they do? Think about it this way, if you were a parent would you smother your kid and let him/her do whatever they wanted? Would you listen to their pouting and accept their tantrums? I would not. I would probably be even worse than my parents. My parents always annoy me and make me want to pull my hair out; however, I do TRY to take everything they do for me into consideration. One day, I'll understand them completely and see a side of them that I had never seen in me.
Children should respect their elders as much as they respect their friends.
Yesterday, I helped my aunt go to the store and buy groceries. When we got to her house, I helped her put everything away. That is when it hit me," Why am I so cooperant with my aunt and not my mom? Why do I complain with my mom and not my aunt?" This event certainly got me thinking. I have noticed that whenever my mom asks me to help her, I either don't do it or complain. I do not know if this is everybody's case but it is mine. I do not understand why I do this. Why do I complain to a person that has giving me the world? I have not figured it out, yet.
Why do we have favorite colors?
Do you ever wonder why your favorite color is your favorite color? It is pretty confusing to me. I don't really know why I like a color, I just do. I wouldn't be able to explain to somebody why yellow is my favorite color. I don't understand colors.
Have you ever gone to sleep wanting to pee?
I got home from school feeling lazy, so I left my sweater on the couch.
The sofa I'm sitting on is brown.
Recently, I became grateful for being immune to rusting. I couldn't possibly imagine how we would handle rain. Everybody would wear special suits to dodge the water. Even worse, we wouldn't be able to shower. What would we be made of if we were not allowed to touch water? How would this world smell? o.o
Don't act like a fool when it isn't necessary.
You know that feeling of frustration when your mom is screaming at you to clean your room? I do. It is so vexing that I just want to turn off my ears. It might be horrible to be the child, but how does it feel to be the mother of the child who doesn't want to listen? Sometimes, we have to take into consideration everything that our parents do for us. Yes, the ways that they express their anger are very chaotic and crazy, but what else can they do? Think about it this way, if you were a parent would you smother your kid and let him/her do whatever they wanted? Would you listen to their pouting and accept their tantrums? I would not. I would probably be even worse than my parents. My parents always annoy me and make me want to pull my hair out; however, I do TRY to take everything they do for me into consideration. One day, I'll understand them completely and see a side of them that I had never seen in me.
Children should respect their elders as much as they respect their friends.
Yesterday, I helped my aunt go to the store and buy groceries. When we got to her house, I helped her put everything away. That is when it hit me," Why am I so cooperant with my aunt and not my mom? Why do I complain with my mom and not my aunt?" This event certainly got me thinking. I have noticed that whenever my mom asks me to help her, I either don't do it or complain. I do not know if this is everybody's case but it is mine. I do not understand why I do this. Why do I complain to a person that has giving me the world? I have not figured it out, yet.
Why do we have favorite colors?
Do you ever wonder why your favorite color is your favorite color? It is pretty confusing to me. I don't really know why I like a color, I just do. I wouldn't be able to explain to somebody why yellow is my favorite color. I don't understand colors.
Have you ever gone to sleep wanting to pee?
I got home from school feeling lazy, so I left my sweater on the couch.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
A while ago, I went outside because of a status I read on Facebook. It said
, and it had been posted a few seconds from when I read it, so I went outside, looked up at the sky, and only half of the rainbow was there.
I photographed it anyways :D
When I turned to look at the side where the sun was setting, I saw the prettiest shade of green ever. It was the grass; it looked beautiful. Tiny droplets of water sparkled, and that's when I walked towards that spot where the grass looked amazing. There was also a puddle next to the grass. I was tempted to jump in the puddle ( I don't know how to say it haha), but I just couldn't. I felt like a kid again. I felt something that I hadn't in years. I felt innocent. What kept me from jumping into that puddle was the fact that my boots would be ruined. It was my own fault. I was holding myself back from something that would be the only enjoyable thing that I would experience today. I ruined my chance. (damn) I tend to do that; ruin my chances. I have to learn to be a kid again and actually enjoy my life a lot more.
"Don't look at me that way, like I'm the one who's not the same"
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Puzzle Pieces.
Yesterday night, my sister and I were building a 450 piece puzzle of some kind of flower garden. It didn't seem like much but those pieces just didn't want to match. :( After trying for about an hour or two, we gave up and watched Fear Factor. The lady completing the challenge started crying and quit the show. What a shame.
So many people think life is a puzzle and, well, it is.
You know that feeling that a person gets when you're not close to someone but you still consider them your best friend? Well, I have those feelings. I copied that off a Facebook link but it fits me perfectly.
OMG! Haha, I just discovered something amazing. I shall show you guys. Okay, there are two ways to spell one sentence. ----> That isn't cool.
That's not cool.
It is the exact same sentence but spelled in a different way. I got so excited when I found that out. Someone laughed at me though. -.-
I have a theory. My theory is that everybody craves drama. Some people seem to be too passive to like drama but they at least like watching. Inside, everyone craves for a little action in their life. That is why when there is a fight, it is very hard for either side to stop fighting. They don't want to get rid of the attention. :/
That is my theory about drama . :}
Laundry isn't my thing. I don't mind sticking some clothes in the washer, but I DO mind getting them out of the dryer. Getting some clothes out of the dryer means folding and if there is one thing that I hate doing, it is folding. It brings the lazy out from within me. Not that the lazy is buried very deep in me, but yeah.
I CANNOT wait for the Harry Potter movie to come out. Every time the commercial comes out, I get extremely excited. It is so amazing D: I cannot wait.
One day, I will go to New York. :D
Asta la vista. :P
So many people think life is a puzzle and, well, it is.
You know that feeling that a person gets when you're not close to someone but you still consider them your best friend? Well, I have those feelings. I copied that off a Facebook link but it fits me perfectly.
OMG! Haha, I just discovered something amazing. I shall show you guys. Okay, there are two ways to spell one sentence. ----> That isn't cool.
That's not cool.
It is the exact same sentence but spelled in a different way. I got so excited when I found that out. Someone laughed at me though. -.-
I have a theory. My theory is that everybody craves drama. Some people seem to be too passive to like drama but they at least like watching. Inside, everyone craves for a little action in their life. That is why when there is a fight, it is very hard for either side to stop fighting. They don't want to get rid of the attention. :/
That is my theory about drama . :}
Laundry isn't my thing. I don't mind sticking some clothes in the washer, but I DO mind getting them out of the dryer. Getting some clothes out of the dryer means folding and if there is one thing that I hate doing, it is folding. It brings the lazy out from within me. Not that the lazy is buried very deep in me, but yeah.
I CANNOT wait for the Harry Potter movie to come out. Every time the commercial comes out, I get extremely excited. It is so amazing D: I cannot wait.
One day, I will go to New York. :D
Asta la vista. :P
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Okay, so my blog had been blocked from Facebook for some reason. I was freaking out because most of my readers get the link from Facebook. Apparently, somebody blocked me o.o I had been uninspired for a bit because of that tiny incident. Now that I can post my link, I will write. :D
Today, it rained in steaming South Texas. That is quite the surprise because it hadn't rained here for months. The pictures of rain began to appear :). I am guessing the weather got me in a stupendous mood because I began singing. I literally went on YouTube and searched some songs with lyrics to sing to. My house was empty, so there was nothing wrong in doing that.
A few days ago, I went to Barnes and Noble and found a book about vocabulary. It seemed like a book nobody in their rightful mind would buy, so I took a look at it. Out of the hundreds and hundreds of words in that sorry little book, I remembered one. The word is bamboozle. This word means to be deceived. It is like getting tricked. For example, when your sister hides your phone and you ask her where it is. She might lie. You answer with, " Don't bamboozle me! You're a little brat!" Great word, isn't it?
Vacation. Everybody needs a vacation. :D
Have you ever gone into the restroom with your laptop?
Grammar is a drag sometimes.
Time heals everything.
Oh, I clicked a link that led to a picture that said, " Don't let an idiot ruin your day." So inspiring.
My friend Vanesa said she believed I had been enlightened. That's not true, but it is my goal in life :). Vane inspires me. (Vane, the computer wanted me to spell your name with two S's! D: )
When trying to help a person, picture yourself in their shoes.
When you're a teenager try to think about the future because the future depends on your past. Don't do what's cool now because what is cool, will disappear. High school is just something we all go through. If you make yourself a role model there, you will most likely succeed later. If you do things that look "cool" you will only be forgotten or maybe remembered but not for the right reasons. Always try to be the best you can because in the end it pays off. It is true that we die, but why not make it amazing while we're living?
That's all folks. :}
Today, it rained in steaming South Texas. That is quite the surprise because it hadn't rained here for months. The pictures of rain began to appear :). I am guessing the weather got me in a stupendous mood because I began singing. I literally went on YouTube and searched some songs with lyrics to sing to. My house was empty, so there was nothing wrong in doing that.
A few days ago, I went to Barnes and Noble and found a book about vocabulary. It seemed like a book nobody in their rightful mind would buy, so I took a look at it. Out of the hundreds and hundreds of words in that sorry little book, I remembered one. The word is bamboozle. This word means to be deceived. It is like getting tricked. For example, when your sister hides your phone and you ask her where it is. She might lie. You answer with, " Don't bamboozle me! You're a little brat!" Great word, isn't it?
Vacation. Everybody needs a vacation. :D
Have you ever gone into the restroom with your laptop?
Grammar is a drag sometimes.
Time heals everything.
Oh, I clicked a link that led to a picture that said, " Don't let an idiot ruin your day." So inspiring.
My friend Vanesa said she believed I had been enlightened. That's not true, but it is my goal in life :). Vane inspires me. (Vane, the computer wanted me to spell your name with two S's! D: )
When trying to help a person, picture yourself in their shoes.
When you're a teenager try to think about the future because the future depends on your past. Don't do what's cool now because what is cool, will disappear. High school is just something we all go through. If you make yourself a role model there, you will most likely succeed later. If you do things that look "cool" you will only be forgotten or maybe remembered but not for the right reasons. Always try to be the best you can because in the end it pays off. It is true that we die, but why not make it amazing while we're living?
That's all folks. :}
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Father's Day
As we all know, Father's day expired 5 minutes ago. It doesn't matter, though, because I want to celebrate this wonderful day through this blog. 6 minutes ago, was the day that every dad in the world was getting hugged and thanked for his great service. It is really considerate when you hug your dad and tell him how much you love him. We all take our parents for granted once in a while and a little moment of affection is pretty healthy for a child-father relationship. Fathers want to enjoy their special day. They don't expect as much as mothers, though, hehe.
Every year, magnificent stories of families who are troubled rise. In these stories, the parents are always the ones who work a thousand times harder than they should and worry a million times more than a person should just to give their children better lives. Your parents are the reason that you are who you are. Be proud of yourself and of your wonderful parents that have made your life as pleasant as possible for you.
Don't worry about those fights that you and your parents experience here and there because a relationship needs balance. It would be a little weird to not fight at all. Don't you think?
Don't take them for granted and remind them once in a while that you appreciate them.
Every year, magnificent stories of families who are troubled rise. In these stories, the parents are always the ones who work a thousand times harder than they should and worry a million times more than a person should just to give their children better lives. Your parents are the reason that you are who you are. Be proud of yourself and of your wonderful parents that have made your life as pleasant as possible for you.
Don't worry about those fights that you and your parents experience here and there because a relationship needs balance. It would be a little weird to not fight at all. Don't you think?
Don't take them for granted and remind them once in a while that you appreciate them.
Friday, June 17, 2011
I appreciate adventure, but I am not adventurous.
I appreciate writing, but I don't like to complete writing assignments.
I appreciate fun, but I don't know how to be fun.
I appreciate friends, but I don't how to get close to them.
I appreciate criticism, but I don't how to react to it.
I could go on but I mustn't.
I characterize myself as an oxymoron. I don't completely know who I am or who I want to be, but I have a slight idea. I don't like talking about nothingness like this! D: It drives me nuts, but, lately, I haven't done anything spectacular. My life has been more dull than usual.
-.- A dislike button goes to the comment, "Are you high?" -.-
Today my friend Nelida, from Germany, left home at 3 am. It was sad to see her go. Her friendship was a once in a lifetime chance and I am glad to have experienced it for a few weeks. Good-bye Nelida :) It has been an honor.
A Lemon Tree has messaged you.
A few days ago, George, Hugo, and I were speaking with our instructor about South Park which later led to speaking about religion. The conversation ended with a comment sort of like this," There will always be war-religion or not." (About the hyphen, I don't know how to use hyphens so I took a wild guess.) It seems as though The Beatles' efforts were in vain. It is sad to see that that comment is probably true. It's okay if people want to fight. As long as some people believe in the pen and not the sword, the world is safe.
"Pick up your shoes from the living room!"
Everybody has something in common. You want to know what that is? Everybody blinks. :)
I appreciate writing, but I don't like to complete writing assignments.
I appreciate fun, but I don't know how to be fun.
I appreciate friends, but I don't how to get close to them.
I appreciate criticism, but I don't how to react to it.
I could go on but I mustn't.
I characterize myself as an oxymoron. I don't completely know who I am or who I want to be, but I have a slight idea. I don't like talking about nothingness like this! D: It drives me nuts, but, lately, I haven't done anything spectacular. My life has been more dull than usual.
-.- A dislike button goes to the comment, "Are you high?" -.-
Today my friend Nelida, from Germany, left home at 3 am. It was sad to see her go. Her friendship was a once in a lifetime chance and I am glad to have experienced it for a few weeks. Good-bye Nelida :) It has been an honor.
A Lemon Tree has messaged you.
A few days ago, George, Hugo, and I were speaking with our instructor about South Park which later led to speaking about religion. The conversation ended with a comment sort of like this," There will always be war-religion or not." (About the hyphen, I don't know how to use hyphens so I took a wild guess.) It seems as though The Beatles' efforts were in vain. It is sad to see that that comment is probably true. It's okay if people want to fight. As long as some people believe in the pen and not the sword, the world is safe.
"Pick up your shoes from the living room!"
Everybody has something in common. You want to know what that is? Everybody blinks. :)
Thursday, June 16, 2011
When something bad happens.
When something bad happens to somebody that you love, you don't really know what to do or how to react. You just hope that everything will get better and they will recover. Sometimes you feel like going to save them but it isn't so easy. Talking to them won't always make it better. You just have to be there for whenever they need you.
When something bad happens to a person that you love and it was caused by someone, revenge seems like the answer. Revenge isn't the answer but it sounds really good. We always have to be the big person and let it go because when you have control of your emotions, you have control of yourself.
Bad people live EVERYWHERE. They are disguised and amongst us but it doesn't matter because if we keep our hearts in the right place, they will get what they deserve and we will also.
When something bad happens, it gets better.
We love you, Little One. It will get better.
When something bad happens to a person that you love and it was caused by someone, revenge seems like the answer. Revenge isn't the answer but it sounds really good. We always have to be the big person and let it go because when you have control of your emotions, you have control of yourself.
Bad people live EVERYWHERE. They are disguised and amongst us but it doesn't matter because if we keep our hearts in the right place, they will get what they deserve and we will also.
When something bad happens, it gets better.
We love you, Little One. It will get better.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Reading above the influence! :D
In my desperate attempt to distract myself, I read a book today called The Carrie Diaries. This book made me realize how looks can REALLY be deceiving. Even the most polite person could have the wrong motives. Not everybody is going to watch out for you but for themselves. Sometimes I think it would be much easier if everyone got along and cared for each other but, for some odd reason, that is too difficult to accomplish. Each clique sticks with each other and if you're not part of the group, you might as well be an alien. Something that completely scares me is the fact that some "friends" will betray you. Not every person will do this but there is somebody out there what will betray someone at some point in their life. In my opinion, everybody has the ability of betrayal. At times, people see it easier to satisfy their own pleasures than to maintain a healthy relationship. To prevent that, you just have to think things through before taking any serious action.
Beer is really confusing. I, personally, have never had one but if it tastes the way it smells, it sure is disgusting. Don't people get tired of the damn hangovers? Beer kills your neurons people. I'm not against a responsible person having one or two beers but I am against a reckless teenager having more beers than they're old. Some problems are hard to avoid and you'd rather be in another state of consciousness but think of the people around you. Should you really risk so much? Isn't it just better to talk it out and handle it like a brave person would? Go read a book or something or, even better, go eat a piece of cricket. Don't go destroying your internal organs and risking people's lives. You don't want to earn your paycheck for booze, do you? :) So yeah, LIVE ABOVE THE INFLUENCE! That was about the cheesiest line I've blogged :)
See ya later, alligator.
Beer is really confusing. I, personally, have never had one but if it tastes the way it smells, it sure is disgusting. Don't people get tired of the damn hangovers? Beer kills your neurons people. I'm not against a responsible person having one or two beers but I am against a reckless teenager having more beers than they're old. Some problems are hard to avoid and you'd rather be in another state of consciousness but think of the people around you. Should you really risk so much? Isn't it just better to talk it out and handle it like a brave person would? Go read a book or something or, even better, go eat a piece of cricket. Don't go destroying your internal organs and risking people's lives. You don't want to earn your paycheck for booze, do you? :) So yeah, LIVE ABOVE THE INFLUENCE! That was about the cheesiest line I've blogged :)
See ya later, alligator.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
So, today my little brother put his feet on my knees and smiled at me. I looked at him in annoyance and completed the task of tying his shoelaces. He, then, asked me, "Ale, who taught you how to tie your shoelaces?" This is when it struck me. I couldn't remember who had taught me. Not remembering something like that made me sad because learning how to tie shoelaces is a grand event in a child's life. I put a mission in my head to teach my brother how to tie his shoelaces. I will try to complete this mission as soon as possible. :)
That question really opened my eyes. It made me sad because sometimes we just want to grow up so fast that we forget about the wonders of childhood. Why should we be in a hurry to grow up? Why can't we still play hide and seek and get yelled at for running in the house?
The redness of ours cheeks is already fading but I wish it wouldn't. If I regret one thing in my life is growing up. I wish I still had the creativity and spongy mind of a child.
In the future, if the technology companies choose to make video games that are even more advanced than the ones now, I'm not letting my children use them. Children need to explore and use their minds. TV and games just kill their imagination because everything is drawn for them.
Why don't we all go play hide and seek and get muddy?
Let's make mud pies and ruin our brand new shoes.
That question really opened my eyes. It made me sad because sometimes we just want to grow up so fast that we forget about the wonders of childhood. Why should we be in a hurry to grow up? Why can't we still play hide and seek and get yelled at for running in the house?
The redness of ours cheeks is already fading but I wish it wouldn't. If I regret one thing in my life is growing up. I wish I still had the creativity and spongy mind of a child.
In the future, if the technology companies choose to make video games that are even more advanced than the ones now, I'm not letting my children use them. Children need to explore and use their minds. TV and games just kill their imagination because everything is drawn for them.
Why don't we all go play hide and seek and get muddy?
Let's make mud pies and ruin our brand new shoes.
“We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -George Bernard Shaw
Sunday, June 5, 2011
It's Friday!
"It's Friday, Friday! Gotta get down on Friday!" Hehe I really like that song just for the fact that it's horrible but people still listen to it. Many times, people view things to laugh. Laughing is one of the things that makes this life worthwhile.
Writer's block D: (not that I'm a writer.)
Do you guys have any quote that you live by? I, personally, don't but I tend to get impressed easily and find any pair of "wise" words important. There's nothing wrong with dreaming right? What would life be like without a little bit of fantasy? I believe that dreams are breaks from reality and everybody needs breaks from reality. Why were we created with a partner? I believe we were created with a partner to share life's difficulties and happiest moments.
Don't be offended by satire because without satire we wouldn't have the bright side of things. Is it true that in New York you feel small? I don't know. I would like to find out.
It killed me when I saw that Robert Pattinson beat Taylor Lautner. I don't believe that somebody who wears that much make-up deserves an award.
When I visit the movies, I always want to turn the volume down.
I judge celebrities but I feel guilty because they are human beings like us.
Now, on a serious matter, it isn't good to take close ones for granted. Even if it is awkward to show them how much you care, you should show them. Show them now before it is too late. If you have felt the pain of losing somebody, if it happens again you won't have any regrets. You will be at peace when you know that you showed them as much as possible how much you cared.
I believe Facebook has become the new wonder of the world. It is probably visited more often than any other place on Earth. Mark really knows how to make that thing addicting.
Teenwolf… What a great idea! :D -.- (sarcasm)
So tell me, do you believe you were born in the right era?
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Well, I just came back from a trip. It was nice but my feet are killing me and I have a tremendous headache caused by my lack of sleep. Yesterday, I visited my happy place. I always expected my happy place to be filled with the items that I have always wanted but never had, but it happened to be that my happy place was when my mind was blank. I was sitting in the bus with my earphones on, listening to Pomplamoose. My mind had nothing in it but the lyrics of the song. I also realized that blogging is so much easier for celebrities because unlike me, people want to read how their everyday life is. Oh, a great life's moment was on Wednesday when I ate crickets :). Thanks to George and Mario, I could now say I have eaten crickets. Crickets are not even that bad. They taste like sunflower seeds.
Hmmm, on a different subject, it feels bad when a person that you never talk to talks to you for a favor, when you want to talk to a person but you get ignored, when you try to pour your heart out but they don't understand or want to understand the importance of those words, when you know you're right but the person you're arguing with doesn't understand, when you miss something that will never happen again, and when you know that nothing will stay the same forever. I wonder if one day, everything will get fixed. Maybe before the world ends, humans will feel no pain :)
It's good to let your mind wonder because wondering is a great distraction to reality.
Why can't people have manners and excuse themselves instead of pushing you out of the way?
If only Advil worked as good as it is advertised.
I don't think that I should have eaten candy before breakfast.
It takes a long while before I can learn my lesson.
After I learn my lesson, it is too late.
Sometimes, people just don't have time for you but it's okay because when they do it's worth it.
Why are apologies and acceptance of apologies so difficult?
Why do I find writing random sentences more effective than writing an entire story?
I want to stop the pain of the people closest to me.
Sometimes, I find a person very incredible and it helps me? :)
I am paranoid and I do worry about the respect that people have for me.
Is it better to be balanced or unbalanced?
To be balanced means to have everything in your life under control and still be happy.
To be unbalanced means to have new challenges come up.
It's better to see the challenges as adventures.
Hmmm, on a different subject, it feels bad when a person that you never talk to talks to you for a favor, when you want to talk to a person but you get ignored, when you try to pour your heart out but they don't understand or want to understand the importance of those words, when you know you're right but the person you're arguing with doesn't understand, when you miss something that will never happen again, and when you know that nothing will stay the same forever. I wonder if one day, everything will get fixed. Maybe before the world ends, humans will feel no pain :)
It's good to let your mind wonder because wondering is a great distraction to reality.
Why can't people have manners and excuse themselves instead of pushing you out of the way?
If only Advil worked as good as it is advertised.
I don't think that I should have eaten candy before breakfast.
It takes a long while before I can learn my lesson.
After I learn my lesson, it is too late.
Sometimes, people just don't have time for you but it's okay because when they do it's worth it.
Why are apologies and acceptance of apologies so difficult?
Why do I find writing random sentences more effective than writing an entire story?
I want to stop the pain of the people closest to me.
Sometimes, I find a person very incredible and it helps me? :)
I am paranoid and I do worry about the respect that people have for me.
Is it better to be balanced or unbalanced?
To be balanced means to have everything in your life under control and still be happy.
To be unbalanced means to have new challenges come up.
It's better to see the challenges as adventures.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
It doesn't take much to be inspired and for some reason I always am. I was inspired a few days ago to make this blog by Jason Mraz. I figured that by writing my feelings and encounters, I wouldn't feel so lonely. As you can see, I must be really inspired to blog without any followers. Well yes, I am. I also got inspired today by a girl named Nelida. This might seem very cheesy but she inspired me to live life without fear. I am filled by fear. Too many things scare me. She finds everything funny. Sometimes I smile but i don't find what made me smile funny. It is just a motion. I find myself doing just motion too often now. I guess I've grown too distant from people that mean alot to me. I don't think that I have ever been super close to a person before. I don't think I'm capable of doing that. It is just too hard for me to be close to somebody. I have never had a person know everything about me. I have tried to be very close to people but I guess they're not interested. It is okay that they are not interested because it is hard for me to be interested too. It has to be mutual and then I will give a friendship my all. Back to the subject, I want to change the way I think. Sometimes I overanalyze things and it makes me depressed and nobody can help me. The only way I can escape is by reading books and at times I just don't want to read books. Overanalyzing things leads to negative thoughts. I am tired of negative thoughts. I know people care about me. People care about you too and bad thoughts will do nothing but harm. You must always see the bright side of things and when there isn't a friend there for you, there is always family. When there is no family there for you, there are books. There is always something for you and if one day you happen to finish all the books that the earth has to offer, write one yourself. I will read it. Okay, I will stop writing. Blogging makes me happy because even if nobody reads it, you are letting at least the internet know how you feel. A human isn't perfect and sometimes no human wants to listen to problems. Writing is always there. So with that, I say good bye. There is always someone there even if it isn't human.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Lady Gaga.
Lady Gaga. A very talented person that screwed up her face and her could've- been successful career. I personally think that lady gaga is nasty and I DISLIKE her music. But, she's one of the few artist that actually sounds good live. But seriously, why would she go ahead and put 4 bumps on her face? That's somewhat stupid and idiotic, If you ask me. Also, WHY would she dress with a bikini and this black transparent robe to "cover" it when she was with Jay Leno? D: That's not human man. >.< How hard is it to wear a pretty, nice, DECENT dress? :/ Okay, back to the point. She has a very good voice, but her lyrics don't compliment that at ALL. Especially the song "Judas". Extreme blasphemy. I think that if she managed to write meaningful songs and dress appropriately but with originality at the same time, she would make the world a better place. But then again, that's just my opinion.
Wow :D
Okay, so today I woke up and realized it's summer. This year passed by so quick and it was, honestly, one of the best. Time is always running and for some reason, it doesn't like to stop. Because of time, everybody leaves and everybody dies but I've heard a saying that says," Don't weep for the dead and celebrate the living." Hehe something like that. I like that quote because it is completely true. It might sound very mean to not mourn for a loved one but if you just feel pity for yourself and make life miserable it's like your life is gone too. Your loved one would've wanted you to be happy, don't you think? This brings me to my topic of letting go. Yesterday I attended a graduation and it was so sad to see all the seniors go. Those seniors were in our shoes as freshman and believed that graduation day would never arrive and when it arrived, it was hard to take in. The seniors have to learn to let go and their younger friends also have to learn to let go. Everything changes everyday. The changes are slow and gradual but they are there. WE just have to adjust to change and learn to grow. Don't mourn for those who are gone but celebrate that you are still there. Good bye seniors. You will be missed.
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Sunday, May 29, 2011
Okay so I'm Vane :) This is my first blog ever. I am currently listening to MGMT and I am feeling pretty nostalgic :o A few hours ago I realized that sometimes I have nothing on my mind. Nothing. I felt pretty blank when I came to that realization :/ and then I thought of something. What if I just look at the sky? So then I did, and I was so bored because there weren't any clouds. It was like if my mind was the sky, empty of thoughts just like the sky lacked clouds. I really hate living here. The weather is the WORST. I wish I lived in Alaskaaaa :D I would actually be happy.. I haven't been happy in a while for some reason.. I just haven't found that reason yet. I think that it is pretty noticable in the way that I smile and laugh now. This summer I shall make the best of it because I want to be happy again :) and everyone else should be happy also. I would like to build a tree house this summer, but I don't have a big tree. I only have small ones. I also want to paint in my backyard during a sunset or sunrise. Those are a couple of things I would like to do this summer. OHH, and I would also like to fly.
Hachiko and Elephants. :)
Hachiko is one of my favorite movies. :) It is one of the cutest movies ever :D. Basically, it's about an asian dog that is extremely loyal to his master even after the owner's death. (but then again, it's an ASIAN dog. What else can we expect? Them people can do ANYTHING o.o) Hachi waits for him at the train station every day and walks home with him, but one day the man suffers a heart attack, and he passed away :/ So, Hachi keeps going to the station every single day to wait for his owner, until he dies in his sleep in the train station. D,: I was literally crying my eyes out. It's a movie worth watching :) I think that Animals have something more than just "instinct". I do believe that animals have feelings and that they can be even kinder than the human kind. Like elephants. They always move in large groups and when one dies the whole group stays behind and stands for a while spending their last moments with the lost one. Then they move on, and on their way back home, they stop by the same spot and check for their lost elephant, stay there for another little while, then leave. Could that be called instinct? I don't think so. To my eyes, it's much more than that. :)
Body Modification o.o
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The term of body modification consists of many MANY things. In my opinion, body modification is quite extraordinary but I do believe people take it too far. D: Why would a person need a piercing down there? Why do people even need piercings? A little piercing here or there is fine but everywhere? Another thing, gauges are disgusting. I'm not being judgemental or anything but that looks disgusting. How do the ears look when the gauges get taken off? Disgusting. :/ Please people, think about others when you're getting a piercing o.o
Hiya, I am Veronica :) I go by Vero :D So, I really don't know how to start a blog ._. but I shall try. ^^ I will blog about Pandas. They are so chill. Seriously, everybody loves pandas :) But, I was wondering, do they have a tail? :o I hope they do. That would make them even cuter! :D Little fluff ball on their butts, lol. They're white, black and asian :D like a Neapolitan ice cream sandwich :o
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Hello, my name is Alejandra :). I decided to make a blog because I had nothing better to do and I got inspired by Jason Mraz. I'm afraid that I will run out of subjects to post but I will try my best. The first thing that I will blog about is the book "Water for Elephants." I really liked that book. It was rather graphic but it is a beautiful story. I would definitely like to live in a circus. It's one of my fantasies and I have many of those. In the beginning of every chapter there is a picture of actual circus life. I really wonder how it would feel to live in a circus. Hm, I really don't know what a blog consists of. I'll probably just ramble on about random subjects, often. I'll make this blog short. One last thing, I really like trees.
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