Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I am sitting in a house that does not belong to me. It is my aunt's house. This house is populated by two kids and their parents. One of the kids is 2 months old. He is the biggest sweetheart out there. He already smiles :) This world really needed his smile. The more smiles in this world, the better. If a baby's smile can make anybody feel happier, why can't a grown-up's smile do the same? It takes almost no energy to force a smile onto your face. Brighten up a person's day and smile at them because wouldn't you like the same?

The sofa I'm sitting on is brown.

Recently, I became grateful for being immune to rusting. I couldn't possibly imagine how we would handle rain. Everybody would wear special suits to dodge the water. Even worse, we wouldn't be able to shower. What would we be made of if we were not allowed to touch water? How would this world smell? o.o

Don't act like a fool when it isn't necessary.

You know that feeling of frustration when your mom is screaming at you to clean your room? I do. It is so vexing that I just want to turn off my ears. It might be horrible to be the child, but how does it feel to be the mother of the child who doesn't want to listen? Sometimes, we have to take into consideration everything that our parents do for us. Yes, the ways that they express their anger are very chaotic and crazy, but what else can they do? Think about it this way, if you were a parent would you smother your kid and let him/her do whatever they wanted? Would you listen to their pouting and accept their tantrums? I would not. I would probably be even worse than my parents. My parents always annoy me and make me want to pull my hair out; however, I do TRY to take everything they do for me into consideration. One day, I'll understand them completely and see a side of them that I had never seen in me.

Children should respect their elders as much as they respect their friends.

Yesterday, I helped my aunt go to the store and buy groceries. When we got to her house, I helped her put everything away. That is when it hit me," Why am I so cooperant with my aunt and not my mom? Why do I complain with my mom and not my aunt?" This event certainly got me thinking. I have noticed that whenever my mom asks me to help her, I either don't do it or complain. I do not know if this is everybody's case but it is  mine. I do not understand why I do this. Why do I complain to a person that has giving me the world? I have not figured it out, yet.

Why do we have favorite colors?

Do you ever wonder why your favorite color is your favorite color? It is pretty confusing to me. I don't really know why I like a color, I just do. I wouldn't be able to explain to somebody why yellow is my favorite color. I don't understand colors.

Have you ever gone to sleep wanting to pee?

I got home from school feeling lazy, so I left my sweater on the couch.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


A while ago, I went outside because of a status I read on Facebook. It said


, and it had been posted a few seconds from when I read it, so I went outside, looked up at the sky, and only half of the rainbow was there.

I photographed it anyways :D

When I turned to look at the side where the sun was setting, I saw the prettiest shade of green ever. It was the grass; it looked beautiful. Tiny droplets of water sparkled, and that's when I walked towards that spot where the grass looked amazing. There was also a puddle next to the grass. I was tempted to jump in the puddle ( I don't know how to say it haha), but I just couldn't. I felt like a kid again. I felt something that I hadn't in years. I felt innocent. What kept me from jumping into that puddle was the fact that my boots would be ruined. It was my own fault. I was holding myself back from something that would be the only enjoyable thing that I would experience today. I ruined my chance. (damn) I tend to do that; ruin my chances. I have to learn to be a kid again and actually enjoy my life a lot more.


"Don't look at me that way, like I'm the one who's not the same"

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Puzzle Pieces.

Yesterday night, my sister and I were building a 450 piece puzzle of some kind of flower garden. It didn't seem like much but those pieces just didn't want to match. :( After trying for about an hour or two, we gave up and watched Fear Factor. The lady completing the challenge started crying and quit the show. What a shame.

So many people think life is a puzzle and, well, it is.

You know that feeling that a person gets when you're not close to someone but you still consider them your best friend? Well, I have those feelings. I copied that off a Facebook link but it fits me perfectly.

OMG! Haha, I just discovered something amazing. I shall show you guys. Okay, there are two ways to spell one sentence. ----> That isn't cool.  
                                       That's not cool.
It is the exact same sentence but spelled in a different way. I got so excited when I found that out.  Someone laughed at me though. -.-

I have a theory. My theory is that everybody craves drama. Some people seem to be too passive to like drama but they at least like watching. Inside, everyone craves for a little action in their life. That is why when there is a fight, it is very hard for either side to stop fighting. They don't want to get rid of the attention. :/
That is my theory about drama . :}

Laundry isn't my thing. I don't mind sticking some clothes in the washer, but I DO mind getting them out of the dryer. Getting some clothes out of the dryer means folding and if there is one thing that I hate doing, it is folding. It brings the lazy out from within me. Not that the lazy is buried very deep in me, but yeah.

I CANNOT wait for the Harry Potter movie to come out. Every time the commercial comes out, I get extremely excited. It is so amazing D: I cannot wait.

One day, I will go to New York. :D

Asta la vista. :P

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Okay, so my blog had been blocked from Facebook for some reason. I was freaking out because most of my readers get the link from Facebook. Apparently, somebody blocked me o.o I had been uninspired for a bit because of that tiny incident. Now that I can post my link, I will write. :D

Today, it rained in steaming South Texas. That is quite the surprise because it hadn't rained here for months. The pictures of rain began to appear :). I am guessing the weather got me in a stupendous mood because I began singing. I literally went on YouTube and searched some songs with lyrics to sing to. My house was empty, so there was nothing wrong in doing that.

A few days ago, I went to Barnes and Noble and found a book about vocabulary. It seemed like a book nobody in their rightful mind would buy, so I took a look at it. Out of the hundreds and hundreds of words in that sorry little book, I remembered one. The word is bamboozle. This word means to be deceived. It is like getting tricked. For example, when your sister hides your phone and you ask her where it is. She might lie. You answer with, " Don't bamboozle me! You're a little brat!" Great word, isn't it?

Vacation. Everybody needs a vacation. :D

Have you ever gone into the restroom with your laptop?

Grammar is a drag sometimes.

Time heals everything.

Oh, I clicked a link that led to a picture that said, " Don't let an idiot ruin your day." So inspiring.

My friend Vanesa said she believed I had been enlightened. That's not true, but it is my goal in life :). Vane inspires me. (Vane, the computer wanted me to spell your name with two S's! D: )

When trying to help a person, picture yourself in their shoes.

When you're a teenager try to think about the future because the future depends on your past. Don't do what's cool now because what is cool, will disappear. High school is just something we all go through. If you make yourself a role model there, you will most likely succeed later. If you do things that look "cool" you will only be forgotten or maybe remembered but not for the right reasons. Always try to be the best you can because in the end it pays off. It is true that we die, but why not make it amazing while we're living?

That's all folks. :}

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

As we all know, Father's day expired 5 minutes ago. It doesn't matter, though, because I want to celebrate this wonderful day through this blog. 6 minutes ago, was the day that every dad in the world was getting hugged and thanked for his great service. It is really considerate when you hug your dad and tell him how much you love him. We all take our parents for granted once in a while and a little moment of affection is pretty healthy for a child-father relationship. Fathers want to enjoy their special day. They don't expect as much as mothers, though, hehe.
Every year, magnificent stories of families who are troubled rise. In these stories, the parents are always the ones who work a thousand times harder than they should and worry a million times more than a person should just to give their children better lives. Your parents are the reason that you are who you are. Be proud of yourself and of your wonderful parents that have made your life as pleasant as possible for you.
Don't worry about those fights that you and your parents experience here and there because a relationship needs balance. It would be a little weird to not fight at all. Don't you think?

Don't take them for granted and remind them once in a while that you appreciate them.

Friday, June 17, 2011


I appreciate adventure, but I am not adventurous.
I appreciate writing, but I don't like to complete writing assignments.
I appreciate fun, but I don't know how to be fun.
I appreciate friends, but I don't how to get close to them.
I appreciate criticism, but I don't how to react to it.

I could go on but I mustn't.

I characterize myself as an oxymoron. I don't completely know who I am or who I want to be, but I have a slight idea. I don't like talking about nothingness like this! D: It drives me nuts, but, lately, I haven't done anything spectacular. My life has been more dull than usual.

-.- A dislike button goes to the comment, "Are you high?" -.-

Today my friend Nelida, from Germany, left home at 3 am. It was sad to see her go. Her friendship was a once in a lifetime chance and I am glad to have experienced it for a few weeks. Good-bye Nelida :) It has been an honor.

A Lemon Tree has messaged you.

A few days ago, George, Hugo, and I were speaking with our instructor about South Park which later led to speaking about religion. The conversation ended with a comment sort of like this," There will always be war-religion or not." (About the hyphen, I don't know how to use hyphens so I took a wild guess.) It seems as though The Beatles' efforts were in vain. It is sad to see that that comment is probably true. It's okay if people want to fight. As long as some people believe in the pen and not the sword, the world is safe.

"Pick up your shoes from the living room!"

Everybody has something in common. You want to know what that is? Everybody blinks. :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

When something bad happens.

When something bad happens to somebody that you love, you don't really know what to do or how to react. You just hope that everything will get better and they will recover. Sometimes you feel like going to save them but it isn't so easy. Talking to them won't always make it better. You just have to be there for whenever they need you.

When something bad happens to a person that you love and it was caused by someone, revenge seems like the answer. Revenge isn't the answer but it sounds really good. We always have to be the big person and let it go because when you have control of your emotions, you have control of yourself.
Bad people live EVERYWHERE. They are disguised and amongst us but it doesn't matter because if we keep our hearts in the right place, they will get what they deserve and we will also.

When something bad happens, it gets better.
We love you, Little One. It will get better.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Reading above the influence! :D

In my desperate attempt to distract myself, I read a book today called The Carrie Diaries. This book made me realize how looks can REALLY be deceiving. Even the most polite person could have the wrong motives. Not everybody is going to watch out for you but for themselves. Sometimes I think it would be much easier if everyone got along and cared for each other but, for some odd reason, that is too difficult to accomplish. Each clique sticks with each other and if you're not part of the group, you might as well be an alien. Something that completely scares me is the fact that some "friends" will betray you. Not every person will do this but there is somebody out there what will betray someone at some point in their life. In my opinion, everybody has the ability of betrayal. At times, people see it easier to satisfy their own pleasures than to maintain a healthy relationship. To prevent that, you just have to think things through before taking any serious action.

Beer is really confusing. I, personally, have never had one but if it tastes the way it smells, it sure is disgusting. Don't people get tired of the damn hangovers? Beer kills your neurons people. I'm not against a responsible person having one or two beers but I am against a reckless teenager having more beers than they're old. Some problems are hard to avoid and you'd rather be in another state of consciousness but think of the people around you. Should you really risk so much? Isn't it just better to talk it out and handle it like a brave person would? Go read a book or something or, even better, go eat a piece of cricket. Don't go destroying your internal organs and risking people's lives. You don't want to earn your paycheck for booze, do you? :) So yeah, LIVE ABOVE THE INFLUENCE! That was about the  cheesiest line I've blogged :)

See ya later, alligator.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


So, today my little brother put his feet on my knees and smiled at me. I looked at him in annoyance and completed the task of tying his shoelaces. He, then, asked me, "Ale, who taught you how to tie your shoelaces?" This is when it struck me. I couldn't remember who had taught me. Not remembering something like that made me sad because learning how to tie shoelaces is a grand event in a child's life. I put a mission in my head to teach my brother how to tie his shoelaces. I will try to complete this mission as soon as possible. :)
That question really opened my eyes. It made me sad because sometimes we just want to grow up so fast that we forget about the wonders of childhood. Why should we be in a hurry to grow up? Why can't we still play hide and seek and get yelled at for running in the house?
The redness of ours cheeks is already fading but I wish it wouldn't. If I regret one thing in my life is growing up. I wish I still had the creativity and spongy mind of a child.
In the future, if the technology companies choose to make video games that are even more advanced than the ones now, I'm not letting my children use them. Children need to explore and use their minds. TV and games just kill their imagination because everything is drawn for them.
Why don't we all go play hide and seek and get muddy?
Let's make mud pies and ruin our brand new shoes.

“We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -George Bernard Shaw

Sunday, June 5, 2011

It's Friday!

"It's Friday, Friday! Gotta get down on Friday!" Hehe I really like that song just for the fact that it's horrible but people still listen to it. Many times, people view things to laugh. Laughing is one of the things that makes this life worthwhile. 

Writer's block D: (not that I'm a writer.)
Do you guys have any quote that you live by? I, personally, don't but I tend to get impressed easily and find any pair of "wise" words important. There's nothing wrong with dreaming right? What would life be like without a little bit of fantasy? I believe that dreams are breaks from reality and everybody needs breaks from reality. Why were we created with a partner? I believe we were created with a partner to share life's difficulties and happiest moments.
Don't be offended by satire because without satire we wouldn't have the bright side of things. Is it true that in New York you feel small? I don't know. I would like to find out.
It killed me when I saw that Robert Pattinson beat Taylor Lautner. I don't believe that somebody who wears that much make-up deserves an award.
When I visit the movies, I always want to turn the volume down.
I judge celebrities but I feel guilty because they are human beings like us.

Now, on a serious matter, it isn't good to take close ones for granted. Even if it is awkward to show them how much you care, you should show them. Show them now before it is too late. If you have felt the pain of losing somebody, if it happens again you won't have any regrets. You will be at peace when you know that you showed them as much as possible how much you cared. 

I believe Facebook has become the new wonder of the world. It is probably visited more often than any other place on Earth. Mark really knows how to make that thing addicting.
Teenwolf… What a great idea! :D -.- (sarcasm)

So tell me, do you believe you were born in the right era?

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Well, I just came back from a trip. It was nice but my feet are killing me and I have a tremendous headache caused by my lack of sleep. Yesterday, I visited my happy place. I always expected my happy place to be filled with the items that I have always wanted but never had, but it happened to be that my happy place was when my mind was blank. I was sitting in the bus with my earphones on, listening to Pomplamoose. My mind had nothing in it but the lyrics of the song. I also realized that blogging is so much easier for celebrities because unlike me, people want to read how their everyday life is. Oh, a great life's moment was on Wednesday when I ate crickets :). Thanks to George and Mario, I could now say I have eaten crickets. Crickets are not even that bad. They taste like sunflower seeds.
Hmmm, on a different subject, it feels bad when a person that you never talk to talks to you for a favor, when you want to talk to a person but you get ignored, when you try to pour your heart out but they don't understand or want to understand the importance of those words, when you know you're right but the person you're arguing with doesn't understand, when you miss something that will never happen again, and  when you know that nothing will stay the same forever. I wonder if one day, everything will get fixed. Maybe before the world ends, humans will feel no pain :)
It's good to let your mind wonder because wondering is a great distraction to reality.
Why can't people have manners and excuse themselves instead of pushing you out of the way?
If only Advil worked as good as it is advertised.
I don't think that I should have eaten candy before breakfast.
It takes a long while before I can learn my lesson.
After I learn my lesson, it is too late.
Sometimes, people just don't have time for you but it's okay because when they do it's worth it.
Why are apologies and acceptance of apologies so difficult?
Why do I find writing random sentences more effective than writing an entire story?
I want to stop the pain of the people closest to me.
Sometimes, I find a person very incredible and it helps me? :)
I am paranoid and I do worry about the respect that people have for me.
Is it better to be balanced or unbalanced?
To be balanced means to have everything in your life under control and still be happy.
To be unbalanced means to have new challenges come up.
It's better to see the challenges as adventures.
