Sunday, February 26, 2012

Free bird.

I have not written anything on here in a few months. :o Wow, he he. Well, not much has changed. I do not think that I have changed much.

Rock this way. :o

I am currently watching a show called, "100 Greatest Artists of All Time." I wonder if Lil Wayne is going to be in one of those shows in a few decades. I don't have anything against Lil Wayne or rappers  but I don't think they are setting a very good example for little kids. -.- Who wants a drug addict who sings about drugs and sex as a role model for their kids? I don't like what is happening to rap music nowadays but then again I wonder if people thought this decades ago. Maybe I will learn to appreciate that music in a few years.

Make today a sunny day. :D

I am going to San Antonio in a few days. I am really excited because I'm going with awesome people. :) They are the seniors. I do not know if they know this but I admire them greatly. They laugh about everything and do not worry what anybody says. I will be cool like them when I am a senior. :D I will miss them greatly. I hope their dreams come true.

There are things you cannot change.

Something that I really dislike is the urgency that people have to fit in. People do not need to state to the world that they are doing drugs. Why would anybody care? Making it obvious that you do drugs is just ruining your image. After high school ends and the real world begins, it will not be so "cool" to be known as a junkie. If you really like to do that, it is your business but do not ruin your image and your life. Think before you do something!

The Notorious BIG. :o

AH! I wish I could time travel. I really want to know what it was like to live in the 1920s-1980s. I would love to meet some writers from the 1920s and attend the famous parties decorated with jazz music. I would LOVE to attend a Queen concert. I would love to meet Albert Einstein and touch his famous hair. It would be amazing if somebody figured out a way to time travel.

I have yet to attend a rock concert.

I believe that society is regressing greatly. ( Yes, I just learned what regressing meant.) Children are not reading anymore and priorities are changing. Children no longer want books. Children only want video games and iPods. Even devices created for reading include applications to play games or enter social networking sites. I think that little kids shouldn't have so much access to all these devices that stop them from thinking. D: They should be able to play games once in a while, but they should also be exposed to things that will enable their minds to think.

I want to live life like Audrey Hepburn.

I have been thinking lately about my future. I hope that I am cut out to survive in the world. I am afraid of how  I will react to moving out. I know that I am always wishing to move out of my house, but when the moment comes, I know I will not like it. I will miss my parents and their constant orders to clean my room or to stop being lazy. I hope that the shock is not so great and that I can carry on with my life like every person must.

One day I will drive around the country without a destination.

I think that the best popcorn is the one sold at the movies. I am going to buy a popcorn machine when I grow up. :)

Green gatorade is freaking good.

'Til then, penguin