Well, it is Spring Break 2013! However, unlike other teenagers, I am at home reading books. I finished the Perks of Being a Wallflower and the Catcher in the Rye. I would say that the books are sort of similar, but they have major differences. For instance, the Perks of Being a Wallflower is written in a series of letters by Charlie. Charlie seeks friendly help from a person that he found in the phonebook. He doesn't expect a reply but he basically explains everything that happens in his life for a year. He loses his best friend to suicide, falls in love, and makes new friends that change his life. On the other hand, the Catcher in the Rye is just a book about a misfit teenage boy named Holden Caulfield. It is a narrative that spans through about three days. This boy is "lost" and fails out of school because he believes that the people at Pencey (his school) are a bunch of phonies. He is really rather confusing. He also complains about everything. They're pretty interesting books. I don't like to write book reviews because everybody has their opinion about them. Like me, I had heard people talk wonders about the Perks of Being a Wallflower, but it didn't do much for me. All I could say is that they are cool books. My favorite part out of both books is in the Catcher of the Rye when Holden is out of the museum to say farewell to his sister. Traditionally, he would have expected her to come and say good bye but instead, she had a suitcase packed ready to go with him. I though that was the sweetest thing. It truly represented how kids are. Kids are the most loyal people in the world. Also, one thing that I learned from Catcher in the Rye is that I don't have to make sense at all. I can think whatever I want because I'm a young teenager and I don't know what the hell is going on.
I love books.
It is Friday. I have two more days left until I enter school again. I consider it such a drag. I would have liked a longer vacation. I really am not in the mood to take tests and not get the grade that I was looking for. I have been doing that to myself lately. I just want to score a hundred but I can't for some reason. It is pretty annoying.
Come on Eileen.
I'm going shopping tomorrow. :) That always makes me feel better. I want to buy some shoes, cardigans, and a wallet. Recently, I misplaced my debit card. The thing is that I didn't lose it. It was in my back pack all along but I misplaced it so good that no matter how much I looked for it, I wouldn't find it. Just like every other time, I found it while I wasn't looking for it. This happens to me so often that I think an elf is haunting me.
Banana Republic is the best.
Okay, I have a really big pet peeve. I don't know if I am right or not but I get really annoyed when a book is so over analyzed. I think that sometimes people look too deep into books for something that doesn't even exist. What if the author of a book just thought of something that would make a great story one day? He didn't write it to be overanalyzed one day. He just wrote because he though that it would make a good story. Maybe I'm over simplifying things now but I think people should really chill about these things. Well, I do think that literature written by Shakespeare or maybe even Fitzgerald should be analyzed but not every novel has to be dissected into pieces, gosh. By the way, I am not referring to every single piece of literature. I know that literature show be studied and stuff. I just.. well I just hope this isn't too confusing.
It is pretty useful that people could download manuals on the internet now.
I have hit a rut recently. I cannot find any new music that appeals to me. I have been searching for songs through pandora and through movies but I haven't heard a new song that makes my brain dance. That is how I feel when I listen to a brand new song that I love. I feel like I am floating on top of the world and like if there is no better place to be. It makes me happy inside. I haven't lived that moment in a while. At least, I've started reading again. Oh, I also look for music through books
Pineapple is delicious.
I just got into an argument with my parents about going to the mall. That's just amazing. I can't seem to stay in good terms with my parents. They just piss me off somehow or I piss them off somehow. I have been wanting to go to the mall for about 2 months now. They still can't take me because all I do is sleep all day. I don't blame them but come on. I don't get to sleep during the year because of homework. I would usually be exaggerating about this but this time, I am not. I literally do not sleep because I have so much crap. The thing is that I'm in a lot of activities and most of the time, the responsibility required for these activities is quite grand. I have to either study, practice, do homework, wash clothes, and other crap. The clothes part I usually don't do and that is why I always get into arguments with my parents. I just don't like to do laundry. That's probably going to catch up to me later but I have about a year to fix it. I can say that I have gotten neater this year. I never believed in neatness. I used to have one folder for all of my classes and every time I wanted to look for something, I would have to take all the papers out and browse one by one. That method really worked for me. though. My grades are pretty good. Now, though, teachers seem to single neat students out. It really annoys me because being neat is not really something that is necessary for grades. A person who is intelligent will get good grades no matter if their locker is a jungle or not. I strayed off topic, but, yeah, I am in a bit of a jiffy. I wonder how long it will take for my parents to talk to me. They just don't understand that I have stuff to do too. They think that my days consist of walking around school or something. I do walk around school but eventually I enter class and do work, just saying.
I am sleepy.
I started reading the Great Gatsby because the movie is going to come out and I want to be able to compare the movie to the novel. I find the Great Gatsby very difficult to read though. Fitzgerald's syntax and diction really confuses me. I read the first two pages like 5 times to really understand what he was trying to say. I could tell that I'm going to love it, though. I really like the Lost Generation group of authors. They make me want to live during their time period. It seemed glamorous and fun.
I might start a vinyl record collection.
I stumbled upon a show called Dr. Snuggles. It was written or co-written, not so sure, by Douglas Adams, which is the author of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It is a very cute show that addresses problems dealing with the ecosystem. In the episode that I watched, Dr. Snuggles rescued the River and water from the ocean. What was happening is that some aliens from a different planet were taking cubes of water from the ocean because they thought the humans didn't want the water anymore. The reason that the aliens thought that is that the water was infested with trash and waste. That episode really opened my eyes because it made a very good point. Water is such a necessity but we choose to treat it like garbage. I hope that one day people, including me, can realize how lucky we are to have all these resources available. Anyway, if you are interested, the show is on youtube.com.
I just cleaned my room.
A few months ago, I decided to get rid of my name. By name I mean A Lemon Tree. That name has been with me since the summer of my 8th grade year. I wrote that name on Facebook so my parents would never be able to find me. The irony of the situation is that I added my mom as a friend a few months ago. I got rid of my name because I am not the person that I used to be when I came up with that. A lot of things have changed and I do not think the same way or even act the same way. People have walked in and out of my life and I have adapted new philosophies to live by. Another reason why I got rid of that name is because I didn't want to be addicted to Facebook anymore. I figured that it is a waste of my time. I would rather spend my time doing productive activities. All in all, I am kind of a new person. I'm not saying that I am a better person, because I am not, but I am definitely different.
This is a long blog post.
Well, I guess I will end it here. I needed to write a little bit to get my mind off of things. I hope whoever reads this is doing good. I'll talk to you in a few, hopefully.
Charging batteries is a drag.
May your feet never fall off and grow back as cactuses (thanks to goodbye)

(Dr. Snuggles)